
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

1 year ago since @GoogleFacts was created

After I tweeted the tweet above, Google Facts received hundreds of congrats mentions in just a few minutes. I am very thankful for all of the support of all my fans on Google Facts who have helped my tweets to reach out. I really appreciate each and every retweet I've ever got -- If I could high five all of you individually in a giant line, I definitely would.

Fun Fact: 
We currently have 985,000 followers on the Twitter account. If I would spend just 30 minutes with every one of the followers -- it would take more than 100 years.

Follow Google Facts on Twitter:

Monday, May 20, 2013

Twitter applications for iPhone

My favorite way of using Twitter is by far Twitter for web -- But an iPhone is not doing that bad actually. This is a short blog post about the two only applications you need to download for Twitter on iPhone.

  • The pretty most obvious and most popular application for iPhone is the official Twitter, Inc application. This is a must have. I use this application for most Twitter related things, checking retweets, getting mention and direct messages notifications, and also doing the most basic things like scrolling through timelines.
  • The second application that I really love is "Tweetbot" -- It's possible to see the exact number of followers on this application for every account on Twitter. Twitter's own application only shows the exact number up to 9,999 followers - after that, it's 10k followers. Currently for me who have 1,772,307 followers -- The Twitter application only shows 1,7M. Tweetbot shows the exact amount. Also, Tweetbot has another way of scrolling through the timelines -- by only viewing pictures. This makes every timeline look like an Instagram blog actually!

How to change your Twitter Username

It's actually easier than you might think to change your username on Twitter. Actually, I'm a little bit amazed that there are so many people who don't know about this. Actually, all you have to do is to sign in on your Twitter account, go to settings at the top to the right (next to the Twitter search). Now you'll be on the Account settings. Here you can change your basic account, language, Tweet privacy, and location settings. You can also protect your tweets -- making it impossible for Twitter users who aren't following you to read your tweets, and also request your Twitter archive -- getting all your tweets history like a website on your email address.

Anyway, at the top of the settings page, you can change your username. It's easy to find out if Twitter usernames are available or not. When you find a username that you prefer more than the old one, just scroll down, click on "Save changes" and then enter your password and press enter. Done! Your username has now been changed. Now make sure to remind all of your friends and followers that you've changed your username! Also, be prepared that the change might take a few hours for Twitter to update.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Most Tweeted Twitter Account

One of my business partners stated that over 5,000 tweets were a crazy amount of tweets. Therefore I did a research of finding something more extreme. I do not think that 5,000 tweets are a lot. When the number are higher than 50,000 tweets -- That's when you should start worrying about finding something else to do during the days.

Most accounts who have tweeted more than 50,000 tweets are not doing it manually. This account for example, the account with the most tweets on Twitter, has tweeted a lot more than 5,000 tweets. Jesus, it even feels like 50,000 tweets are like a breakfast for this account.

Take a look at this Twitter account and you will never think that anyone has tweeted many tweets anymore.

Robert Downey Jr is on "Weibo" but not on Twitter

Profile Picture of Robert Downey Jr on Weibo
This is pretty odd, but also a little bit funny. The Iron Man actor, Robert Downey Jr. is not on Twitter, has never been on Twitter, and will most likely never be on Twitter. There have been many parodies and impersonating Twitter accounts pretending to be him, yet still, he has chosen not to spend five minutes to sign up creating a verified profile so far.

I am amazed that he is on Weibo instead 
Weibo is a Chinese microblogging website, and is very similar to Twitter. Weibo is one of the most popular websites in the country China -- About 3/10 of all Chinese people uses Weibo, meaning, almost 400 million registered users since the middle of 2012. Twitter has been up since 2006 - but has only 100 million more registered users than Weibo, yet only 200 million users are active.

Robert D Jr, updated his Weibo with this:
People who know me back in America know that I’m very interested in all things Chinese. - 在美国了解我的人都知道我对与中国有关的一切事物都很感兴趣。
Very funny in my opinion that he is using Weibo, but not Twitter. Here is his Weibo account

First Tweet Ever Made

This is the first tweet ever made -- Or at least the oldest tweet that is not removed -- And was tweeted from one of the co-founders of Twitter. Link here:

The second oldest tweet was from one of the other co-founders, and now the Creative Director of Twitter, Inc. Link here:
Even the third tweet was from one of the co-founders, Noah Glass. Link here:

There were four co-founders of Twitter. The fourth co-founder who maybe didn't care tweeting about "setting up twttr" was Evan Williams -- Or maybe he just removed the tweet in retrospect.

The next four tweets was not from a co-founder, but was also exactly the words "just setting up my twttr" and can be found here:

It's been a few years ago since Twitter was created. And yes, by that time, Twitter was named "twttr." I think that these tweets was a very boring start of Twitter, and it almost feels like the tweets were tweeted automatically. Who knows, perhaps the seven oldest tweets who still are not removed, were not even tweeted manually. I think that's the truth about the start of Twitter.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Schedule Tweets Like a Pro

Scheduling tweets makes life easier. Well, at least that's my opinion since tweeting tweets would take a 16 hours part of my every day life without Twitter scheduling tools. That would definitely kill me slowly. 

Even if my Twitter accounts are basically tweeting most hours of the day, that does not mean that that I am online tweeting LIVE. In some extreme cases, my tweets was scheduled over a half year ago. 

Who should schedule tweets?
Everyone who are tweeting after results and can not be online throughout the day. I am confident that scheduling tweets effectively will drive more traffic to your website, it will maximize your reach and your audience will be more satisfied with having your tweets spread throughout the day instead of getting too much tweets in a short period of time.

So, let's get you started and get to the point. What are the best Twitter scheduling tools and what are their advantages and disadvantages?

  • The Bufferapp - To begin with, I almost always start recommending the Bufferapp. This is by far one of the most user-friendly, but advanced, schedulers. It's very easy to put in new tweets, schedule different for every day, see statistics about the impact of your scheduled tweets and also, my favorite, schedule tweets for multiple Twitter accounts with the same login. You can schedule pictures, schedule directly from and also schedule retweets. You can even have team members by inviting email addresses to help you with providing content for your Twitter accounts - perfect if you want to pay someone for content without having to spend time in uploading it and without giving out your password and risk to get hacked. Bufferapp has a beautiful design, a mobile application, Internet browser applications and you can even schedule social updates for Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media networks. The bad part about it is that it's only free for everyone to try with limitations - you can't schedule as many tweets that you want unless you pay a few bucks for it. 
  • The Tricklrapp - Here's another Twitter scheduler that I enjoy a lot. This scheduler is free. The design is user-friendly and very modern. The bad but also good part of this scheduler is that you can only schedule a tweet every 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days and 1 week. If you upload a tweet right now and choose that you want it to be scheduled in 30 minutes, it will then be scheduled in 30 minutes from the time you schedule it. The next tweet will be scheduled 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days or 1 week after the first tweet, and so on. Very simple to use and I always use Tricklrapp to schedule a tweet fast if I want to schedule outside the schedule of another scheduler. I am confident that you will enjoy this app. You can not handle multiple accounts from the same Tricklrapp login.
  • SocialOomph - This is an old Twitter scheduler that still does good actually. The design is not very user-friendly, it's pretty obvious that this site were designed many years ago. If you cannot handle websites with bad designs, this scheduler is not for you. I however recommend this scheduler if you want to bulk upload a lot of tweets at the same time. It's easy to choose how often you want to schedule tweets and all you have to do is to upload a .txt-document with a new tweet for every line, and it's done. I have friends who use this Twitter scheduler to upload 100, or even more than 1,000 tweets at a time -- uploading tweets for 1 month ahead in minutes. You can handle multiple accounts from the same SocialOomph account.
  • TwitDrip - This Twitter scheduler was one of my favorite back in the days when it worked perfectly. I am not sure if it's still working since I am using other schedulers for my needs today, but I am confident that this is a good option if you don't want to pay for a scheduler but still want very good results - if it's still working. On TwitDrip, you upload tweets and choose how often you want your tweets to be "dripped out" during time intervals. If you want a tweet to be tweeted for example every 47 minutes during the time 3pm until 7pm, and later on every 58 minutes from 7pm until 9pm and then every 22 minutes from 9pm until 10.36pm -- then TwitDrip is the ultimate option. It's free but yes, as I said, I am not sure if it's still working. Try uploading a few tweets and see if it works, if it does, this is a gold scheduler. You can not handle multiple accounts from the same TwitDrip login.
  • Twuffer - This was my favorite scheduler 2 years ago. It's free and very easy to use. Only bad parts about it is that you can only schedule every 5 minutes. For example, 4.10 pm and 4.15 pm and 4.20 pm -- You can not schedule for example 4.11 pm, 4.12pm, 4.13pm and 4.14 pm. Only every 5 minutes. Also, you can not handle multiple accounts from the same Twuffer login.
  • Tweetdeck - Is actually not made for scheduling but still worth mentioning. I use Tweetdeck every day, but for other reasons than scheduling. It's basically a Twitter tool to use Twitter more effective. Why I am still mentioning it as a scheduler is because I believe that it's a good way to schedule a few tweets once in a while if you also love using Tweetdeck every day. If you want to schedule more than a few tweets, it will just get complicated since it's taking too long time to choose the date, the time and the Twitter account to schedule (maybe 10 seconds total, but scheduling tweets effective should not take 10 seconds). However, if you want to schedule 1 or 2 or even 3 tweets, Tweetdeck is awesome. This is the Twitter tool I am using to schedule tweets at a specific date and time for months ahead. You can handle multiple accounts from the same TweetDeck account.
Now you know the basics and the more advanced advantages of powerful Twitter scheduling tools. Thank you!
Anton Perlkvist, The Twitter Entrepreneur

Click here to email me

Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to find out Twitter History

Some Twitter geeks like me loves to investigate a lot on Twitter. This is a blog post about how to dig a little bit into a Twitter account's history and take a look of what an account used to do. I am going to give you the first two steps of the official Twitter Cop Researcher Investigator License by letting you know about these small tricks. 

These are two Twitter tools that I have actually learned a lot from. 

Copyright: Picture from
The first Twitter tool is called Bio Is Changed. You should sign in on this Twitter tool once and it will track every bio change you will ever do, meaning, if you change your profile picture and then regret it a few months later, you will still have the profile picture left on this site. With this tool you can see all the changes you've ever made on your profile pictures, bio text and so on. The best way of using this site is if you ever get a new random account on your Twitter timeline and wonder how the heck that account came up on your timeline because you cannot remember when you followed it -- then it's most likely because the Twitter account has made a big major change. In this case, it's very easy to just go to (where you change "username" to the username of the account).

The next Twitter tool is All My Tweets. This is an amazing Twitter tool to get all your old tweets in seconds! What was your first tweet? What did you tweet 6 months ago?
Just a problem with this tool is, due to the Twitter user usage limits, it's only possible to find out up to 3400 tweets. That's the only bad part with this tool; if you don't count with this disadvantage, this tool is amazing. What silly things did your friends tweet about 1 year ago?

Hope you feel like a Twitter Cop Researcher Investigator now,
Anton Perlkvist, The Twitter Entrepreneur

How to get verified on Twitter

This is something I wrote two years ago when I was verified as a personal Twitter account on @Know. I became verified as @imAnton and then I changed to @RetweetMore and I was still verified because I was tweeting as Anton Perlkvist. When I had 130,000 followers I changed my Twitter account to a quote page, and I lost my verification status since I therefore wasn't tweeting anything personal at all -- I was only a quote page.

FAQs about verified accounts, read more here.

Anyway, I wrote this for a year ago, it was originally an email that I sent to 25 different friends and business partners since I didn't have the time to make one personal email each.  A few of them got verified because of me, some failed. Some of the people I sent this email to had many Twitter followers, some are more "famous" than other and some have many reasons and some... just want to get verified, well because they want to. You have to accept that everyone cannot get verified, but I am sure that most people who deserves to get verified can get verified. I hope to help you but I can not help everyone; if you don't have enough reasons, it's tough love. 

I'll try to be as easy and straight on the point as possible but I also want you to understand everything about this. Lets go.

What does Twitter verify?
You can get verified if you're paying for advertising on Twitter for more than $5,000, otherwise It's about whether you're deemed to be a valid "celebrity" and in need of verification by the Twitter Staff, whether you have contacted them through appropriate channels, and if they can verify who you are through official sources.

Verification is mostly done for, for example celebrities, big companies, brands and music bands etc; because those have many people interesting in what they are doing. Simple. It's important that their audience can believe they are the real deal so, for example, no fake accounts can take their credits. Since Twitter shut down the public verification system since early 2010 (and either laid off or repurposed the staff previously assigned to handle the task), the method for getting verified has been made non-public and rather slipshod. At the moment, here's the only way to get verified what I know unless Twitter contacts you personally (they always do with very big in-need verification accounts). 

The only reason I know, unless you have management with contacts at Twitter:
1 You must have a representation (a manager or talent agency) with a physical office and a known presence in the entertainment community.
2 Your management/you must contact Twitter's physical office in San Francisco with reasons.

Twitter would love to verify each and every twitter user (and I would love to help each and every one) but that would be almost impossible. So they only spend time on what's important and easy to verify. How will you be as easy as possible to verify?

Copyright: Picture from
How you contact Twitter matters
You ought to be trustworthy and it should be easy to see that you deserve being verified. 
  • Do you have a website? Seems like there is no celebrity who doesn't have a website and therefore it's basically a must for popular people to have a website. 
  • Have you been on bigger online websites/Newspapers/Television or something public that you can give source to? 
  • Is it something special with you that really many people are interested in? 
  • Do you have MANY followers compared to something similar; in your arena, in your niche are you special because of something? etc etc. 
  • Are your Twitter account growing a lot? Are there many people reacting to your tweets? Are you very influencing? 
  • Do you have a representation (this helps a lot and seems almost always to be the key part. Mostly it's only famous people who have representations: for example, I had 2 representations when I got verified, a company and a business person who were working for me 1-2 days per week). 
  • Do you only tweet original content? 
  • Have you been on Twitter for many years? How do you use Twitter and what's your future plans? What will a verification mean = how will it help you and why would anyone care if you got verified, does it even matter if you're verified or not? I mean, why would Twitter even care about wasting work for a verification process just because of you? Would it make Twitter a better place if you went verified or not?

So, it's a lot of information but yes, in the end, all Twitter wants is enough trustworthy reasons while feeling that it's a need to get the verification process going for you.

So, if you have enough reasons (it was only some examples I mentioned above, feel free to add whatever you think would be of value)... then you need to know how to reach the Twitter team: it's many ways to contact them;

Best way is probably visiting them in person knocking on their HQ door in San Fransisco having an appointment scheduled. That's not easy for everybody. Next best and most reliable way is sending a physical letter to them; their address is down in this blog post. An other way to get this done is by just mailing them; I did double mail them by filling this support form: (I chosed Regarding Profile settings, not sure if that's the best one but it's worth a shot) and I also mailed them through; you'll notice that this email isn't listed on the site. It's only found thorugh knowing someone at Twitter...  

You'll send them an email stating your need for verification. Provide contact phone numbers and names of management staff, their numbers and so on. Twitter will call that number, verify it's real, and they can get the verification rolling. But key is probably that you have representation.

While the email method is faster (it "only" took 9 days for me)... the physicals mail method is more reliable and gets more attention (I know friends who have done this). The hard part though is that the process is kept very secretive these days. No one tells people, not even celebs, how to get verification done, and many agents don't know how to get this done.

Don't forget to mentioning all the contact details to you and your representation so Twitter easily can contact you what's missing or can send you a contact packet for your business. 

And again, this takes time. Make sure to have patience. Don't get too frustrated; it will most commonly take more than 1 week to even receive an answer about the process. Have no stress. I hope that this helps you and get your needs met. 

Twitter's post address if you want to send them a physical letter about the verification:
Twitter, Inc.
795 Folsom St., Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94107

Good luck!
Anton Perlkvist, The Twitter Entrepreneur
Follow me on Twitter TWITTER.COM/FUN

Top 10 tweets from GoogleFacts last 30 days

Hi! I've been using a few third party apps to determine the Top 10 tweets from @GoogleFacts from the last 30 days. Meaning, these 10 tweets are the most retweeted or mentioned or FAVed tweets in the last 30 days. Here they are, enjoy! 

Anton Perlkvist, The Twitter Entrepreneur

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The 46 stages of every Twitter user

  1. Hear about the word Twitter. Hmm
  2. Hear the word again from somewhere else. Hmm again.
  3. Hear about famous celebrity who is “On Twitter.” Hmm. Making mental note to take a look.
  4. Sign in on Facebook to comfort self.
  5. Create a Twitter account to try it.
  6. Gives up. Twitter seems boring and stupid.
  7. Talks down on Twitter.
  8. Follow @barackobama, @aplusk, @LadyGaga @jtimberlake @KimKardashian and @oprah, and two other people you actually know.
  9. Tweets something like: “Trying this Twitter thing.”
  10. Attempt to dig a little bit deeper into Twitter.
  11. Finds our some new words: “Tweet,” “Twitter,” “Retweet,” “Tweetdeck,” and something random called “RT.”
  12. Hmm again, this time in real confusion. Trying to figure out what "favoriting" a tweet means but no one knows.
  13. Tell the people you know that you “tried the Twitter thing, but did not get it. It’s boring and stupid anyway.”
  14. Sign in on Facebook because that site at least makes sense.
  15. Read story about Twitter somewhere.
  16. Sign in on Twitter to give it one more try.
  17. Try to avoid saying Tweet, Twitter, Retweet, Tweetdeck, and RT.
  18. Respond to a celebrity thinking that they will actually read your tweet.
  19. Curse self for fanning out.
  20. Log off for 4 month
  21. Come back, just to see.
  22. Post something relatively funny.
  23. Get RT’d.
  24. Discover that RT means ReTweet.
  25. Make it your life mission to get RT’d.
  26. Install Twitter app on your phone.
  27. No longer ashamed to say “I’ve gotta tweet that.”
  28. Attend events with the sole intention of “Tweeting” them.
  29. Pray to get RT’d.
  30. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
  31. Close computer.
  32. Open computer. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
  33. Think in 140 character sentences.
  34. Compulsively check phone all day every day.
  35. Tweet that you compulsively check phone all day every day.
  36. Alienate actual people in your life in an attempt to impress ones you don’t know.
  37. Lose weight because you forget to eat.
  38. Place phone by bed so you can check first thing in the morning.
  39. Defend Twitter to the death from detractors.
  40. Hear self, and vaguely recognize that you have become “That Guy.”
  41. Feel like you should stop spending so much time on Twitter for real.
  42. Vow to quit Twitter to preserve sanity.
  43. Read this and change mind.
  44. Think to self, “I should tweet this.”
  45. Recognize irony.
  46. Tweeting it.
That's all for today, thanks!
Anton Perlkvist, The Twitter Entrepreneur
Follow me on Twitter: TWITTER.COM/FUN

Why the Username and the profile picture is important

Since the last 1,5 years, many people have asked me: What are the keys of a successful Twitter account? I have to say, I am not the person who knows everything about what will be successful and what will fail on Twitter, but I have a lot of experience. Actually, I am confident to say that I have among the best experience in this field on Twitter. You can say that I love to do my homework: I enjoy experiments, looking at statistics and do Twitter research daily.

What I have believe is the key to get a successful Twitter account is not one. I strongly believe that there are never only one reason why a Twitter account blows up, or why a Twitter account all of suddenly loses it's influence on it's audience. In this blog post, I will tell you more about Twitter usernames and profile pictures and why it matters.

According to an old friend who is very successful on Twitter and have over 2,5 million followers today, the two important keys to be successful on Twitter are these. Without these, he says that you cannot succeed:

  • The Username of your Twitter Handle
  • The Profile Picture of your Twitter Handle
I strongly believe that these two keys are very important, but absolutely not critical. To prove to you that you can succeed without 1 of these factors, look at these two examples. One has an egg profile picture and one has a very bad username, however, both these Twitter accounts are very powerful. 

Screenshot from

Screenshot from
The usernames and the profile picture are not the only things that matters, but I still believe they are important.

Worth thinking about is, these two accounts grew big about 2 years ago and most new Twitter accounts who have been big, have had good usernames and good profile pictures though.

My suggestions about Usernames and Profile pictures are:
Usernames: A username is your life on Twitter. It has to be remembered easily. It should look official and not like you just took the first free username that you could find; a person who cared would spend more time to find something good. Mostly, usernames with "_" and numbers won't get viral as much as usernames without _ and without numbers. 

Back in the days I always heard that usernames shouldn't have too many characters so if someone wants to comment you they can have more characters to comment with, but I am not sure about that's true; some usernames can still look official with many characters. For example, I would rather have the username @Amazing than @Amzng because @Amazing looks official. 

Also, you can actually gladly use the capital letter i instead of a small L and you can use a small L instead of a big i to make your username look more official, even though you rather shouldn't -- but many accounts with that has been growing a lot anyway! About 8 months ago, there was a big and very successful parody account of Will Smith, with @wili instead of @will, however, the last i in @wili were big so it looked like @will. That account was one of the best parody accounts ever.

Profile Pictures: Shouldn't be an egg. It's very important that the profile picture looks good as a small icon. Icons are actually very hard to give guidelines for -- it's just a very big difference in the amount of retweets some profile pictures gets. You should simply try until you find something good. I've done many experiments and just simply changing a profile picture has sometimes resulted in an 90% lower retweet rate! Instead of getting 100 retweets, I got 10 retweets.

Thanks, that's the two steps for today, hope you got it!
Anton Perlkvist, The Twitter Entrepreneur

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ways To Use And Integrate Google+1 Button Into Your Website

Ways to use the Google+1 button and the importance of this social media network!

The response of the giant of the search engines (Google) at the leader in the field of social media networks, Facebook, has already been present among us in all its splendor since 2011 but it wasn't until January of 2013 that it became the second largest social networking site in the world, having surpassed Twitter. Google has enabled the option for anybody to share content using the Plusone button since its creation and already exists in the market several applications and methods for the inclusion of the G+ button in our project with simplicity. In this post we will look at the more interesting and useful ways you can use and integrate the Google+1 button into your website or blog.

 In the following paragraphs we will have available the information needed to incorporate the Google+ 1 button on our project or web site from the hand of the best applications and plug-ins currently on the market.

 Google+ 1 for WordPress

For all users who have their blogs or websites on the WordPress platform, there is an easy and very quick way to incorporate the Google+ button without having to edit the template, which always means a heavy workload and a more complex task. Especially if we are not advanced users or don't know anything about html.

Ways To Use And Integrate Google+1 Button
The solution in question is called the Google+1 Plugin, which will be responsible for everything you need. Among its features we can count on the possibility of selecting the location of the button on the page, one can choose which pages or entries will display, in addition to being able to use the so-called 'shortcodes'. In our blog (Social Media Combo) for example, we are using WP Socializer which is an advanced plugin for inserting all kinds of Social bookmarking & sharing buttons. It has super cool features to insert the buttons into posts, sidebar. It also has Floating sharebar and Smart load feature where it includes the Google plusone button as well.

 Google Plusone for Chrome

At this point, and to be able to be able to recommend any site that interests us in our browser Chrome, we can use a small extension called +1 Plus One Extension, which also includes the ability so one can vote through the button, as well as the counter of  +1's received.

You can easily Download the +1 extension for Chrome here... Download G+ Extension

Google +1 for other browsers

In the case that we use any other browser instead of Chrome, for which we mentioned above an application specifically designed for Chrome, we have available an alternative more than valid. Use bookmarks.

This method allows us to easily add bookmarks, or favorites into your favorite browser.

 The easy way to Google +1

In the case that our project is not too complex nor with lots of content, the following procedure will suffice.

The only thing we will need is a bit of simple knowledge in HTML, as to be able to edit the code and embed it on our web pages.

Therefore, you should head up to the following web location: Google+1 For Webmasters

easy ways to integrate google+1 Once there one can be able to select the required options that best fit our lifestyle and page preferences.

In this location we will also have available some parameters that will allow us to configure some of the options of our G+ button. Some of them are the style that will have the button, the language, the ability to include a counter in the same and, or the time in which the Javascript code should run.

As we know, the idea of Google in this respect is that all the searches that we make using Google's search engine include recommendations and results made by our friends, and contacts in a similar manner to Facebook or Twitter.
Once you have completed all these steps, the only thing that remains is to paste the code into your web page.

Above we have included some easy ways to use and integrate Google+ button into your website.

Recommended Posts:
Where to purchase Google plus ones: