I learned about an amazing Twitter visualization tool on Read Write Web called Mailana developed by Pete Warden. There are many tools that will provide a visualization of your Twitter graph, but where Mailana soars is that it determines your top relationships based on reciprocal tweets. Mailana bases its analysis on the entire available Twitter stream and explores the conversations. In addition to providing your top 20 friends, Mailana will display the number of reciprocal conversations and it also provides a tag cloud of what you’ve spoken about with that person. Pretty cool and insightful. But the application goes even further, offering:
- Suggested new follower recommendations
- Your town’s social network
- People who talk about a specific subject
Pretty cool and pretty surprising in the top BFF’s both in terms of the actual rankings as well as the omissions. As an example, in my case, Adam Cohen is my #1 BFF in that I have sent Adam 90 tweets and he has sent me 104 back. And here is what we talked about:
Pretty cool. Of course, we all realize that our Twitter conversations are public and accessible to anyone. However, with a tool like Mailana, they become even more visible. Good thing or maybe not?
Run your own Mailana search. Who’s your BFF and are you surprised?
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