
Friday, July 4, 2008

Twitter humor 2

Here are some funny twitter images and jokes that I've collected over the last few weeks. Appropriate links/ sources are attached. Enjoy and have a Happy and safe 4th of July Holiday!

(participant in a candlelit vigil in front of a computer, to an onlooker) Twitter's down.

clipped from

10 Things My Wife and Twitter have in Common

Like my wife,

1. gets to hear all my random nonsensical ideas
2. is my obsession
3. is built on Ruby on Rails (um... nope, nevermind, that one doesn't work)

4. loves to converse
5. has fascinating, stimulating ideas
6. sometimes doesn't respond to me
7. sometimes looks like a whale (just kidding!)

8. is the subject of this blog post
9. has multiple personalities; some are fun, some are annoying, and some a bit scary
10. remembers all the dumb things I said years later (damn you, Summize, you're too good!)

Chris Thilk and David Griner started to create Social Media yellow and red cards for egregious behavior on Twitter.

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