
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Individual Twitter user statistics

If you are looking for statistics for an individual Twitter user, there are different possibilities.

Damon Cortesi released in december 2007 a script to calculate statistics for individual Twitter users. If you were interested in your personal stats (or someone else his stats), you had to install the script yourself and run it. After a while Damon Cortesi releaed a webified version at The colorfull stats display for a given user the number of tweets per month, per day of the week and per time of the day.

Tweetstats statistics for @marketingfacts

Xefer Twitter Statistics
Xefer is another site offering similar statistics. The Xefer Twitter Statistics are generated using Yahoo Pipes and the Google Chart API. This site offers a two dimensional visualisation of the tweets of a specified Twitter user by time of day and day of week. Graphs showing the tweets by month, by day of week and by hour are also presented.

Xefer Twitter Statistics statistics for @marketingfacts

Twitstat is a site launched in august 2007, see also this previous post on this blog. Twitstats collects the tweets of the Twitter users following @twitstat on Twitter.

Twitstats statistics for @marketingfacts

Statistics for twitter users
Statistics for twitter users is a project from Belighted, a Belgian company. In order to get statistics for your own Twitter profile, you have to follow @statistics on Twitter. It looks like this project is still in a very early stage. Only three Twitter users are currently monitored.

Tweeterboard takes another approach. Tweeterboard is a way of looking at who is influential on Twitter based on their conversations with other Twitter users. Tweeterboard is aware of about 3700 active Twitter users with public updates, each following Twitter user @tweeterboard. Reputation points are the way influence is measured in Tweeterboard. They are calculated using an undisclosed algorithm. Reputation points are based on the conversations of a Twitter over the last 28 days, which means scores can jump around a lot.

Tweeterboard statistics for @marketingfacts

If you know of other sites offering individual Twitter user statistics, please share this by leaving behind a reaction below.

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